The park

Kirwan also has its distinctive two-hectare (5-acre) park, which is a mosaic of colour and tell-tale odours. Designed in the 19th century by Camille Godard it is bordered by the waterways connecting to its pond and fine perimeter railings. It generates a range of subtle, yet familiar smells. The soft notes of citrus from the mandarin trees at the entrance and the smell of freshly cut grass prepare the way for the headier odours of white lily and lavender.

A smooth musky fragrance wafts over from the rose arbour that stands majestically in front of the chateau. This park has been tended by the Schÿler family since the beginning of last century and with its rare species, lacework copses and eclectic collection of statues it has won several awards.

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L’œil s’arrête sur les éléments de cet ensemble où technicité et matériaux servent une vinification précise, naturelle et homogène. Immenses, les lieux recèlent bien d’autres invitations à la contemplation. Le rouge vif de la grande toile d’entrée retient le regard du visiteur qui se porte plus loin sur les détails d’or et de transparences d’un miroir ancien puis, à l’étage, sur ceux d’une table parfaitement dressée.

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